Though india is officially celebrating the 75th anniversary of independence from the british, some domain investors, online exporters, engineers continue with their lonely struggle against one of the greatest government SLAVERY, cybercrime, financial fraud racket, educational frauds in the indian internet sector allegedly masterminded by google, tata
For example Bengaluru top cheater raw employee housewife employee nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad has lived in karnataka almost all her life, studying for her 2005 bbm degree from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi yet she fakes a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay to get a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman engineer, who actually studied for the btech 1993 ee degree
Though medically and legally it can be proved that Bengaluru top cheater raw employee housewife employee nayanshree like goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan has never studied engineering, showing the great power of the shameless shivalli brahmin officials, the government makes FAKE CLAIMS about brahmin cheater nayanshree in government SLAVERY racket to waste indian taxpayer money paying her a monthly government salary
Investigation at the Marol flat B-702 owned by tata power employee indicates that nayanshree was in mumbai for only 1.5 years, mainly as a housewife, she did not study or work in Mumbai, otherwise she was living in Bengaluru, Gangolli, yet due to the lack of honest bhandari/obc leaders, officials shivalli brahmin bengaluru cheater nayanshree has been able to fake a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, and get a monthly raw salary in a case of government SLAVERY
the government refuses to end its educational fraud on the single woman engineer in a clear case of government SLAVERY
Author: admin
One of the most fraud families in india is that of greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro working in security agencies, who are falsely claiming that greedy robber riddhi, who has never paid any money for domains, owns the domains of a single woman engineer, so that robber riddhi gets a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman engineer,
The domain investor owns a hair loss related domain and instead of legally purchasing the domain, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro are duping all the hair loss treatment companies that they own the domain of hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor
So this is posted as a fraud alert so that all the hair loss treatment companies are aware that greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro do not own the hair loss domain, though the greedy goan gsb fraud extortionist robber riddhi nayak caro, is extremely shameless and ruthless in faking domain, bank account ownership
greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is living in goa, so why is she faking mumbai bank account ownership
Indicating how well the greedy khatris have manipulated the government system to get monthly salaries, haryana gurgaon fraud mba hr raw employee ruchita kinge has always lived in haryana, noida, delhi all her life, she has also invested in property in north india only, she has no connection with mumbai at all,.
just because the goa 1989 jee topper paid the haryana fraud mba hr ruchita kinge for a few months in 2011-12 indicating large scale manipulation of government systems, the government falsely giving credit, monthly salary to ruthless ruchita and other frauds like nayanshree, for the next ten years in a clear case of government SLAVERY
All companies will stop paying their employees when they stop working, only the government agencies, internet companies are making fake claims though raw employees like nayanshree and ruchita have stopped replying to the domain investor more than 10 years ago.
Most people do not live in mumbai unless they have a house or job
before commenting on the website content the goan and indian government fails to answer why greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters government employees priya, pooja, tejas sunaina chodan residing in goa cannot open their own paypal, bank account legally why the government is CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor FALSELY ASSOCIATING these shameless lazy greedy scammer sisters with the domain investor, these greedy shameless scammer sisters HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME, have openly threatened to kill
The single woman engineer was never on talking terms with the greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters who have openly threatened violence, to kill her, yet when she was in goa, their powerful fraud relatives working in security agencies, cheater chodankar, naik, abused their powers and ensured that these scammer sisters got government jobs for faking paypal, bank account, domain ownership.
Now the domain investor is not in goa, and is also not using the bank account in goa, there is no goa connection at all, so the goan and indian government fails to answer why greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters government employees priya, pooja, tejas sunaina chodan living in goa cannot open their own paypal, bank account legally, why they are falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer they hate, have not contacted at all, to deny the single woman the income and opportunities she deserved.
Falsely giving the greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters government employees priya, pooja, tejas sunaina chodan, credit, government salary for FAKING paypal, bank account is a clear case of government SLAVERY, denying the single woman engineer the right to equality
Indore robber housewife deepika/veena is living happily in indore since july 2000, only coooking, cleaning for her crooked husband mahesh yet she allegedly falsely claims to own the mumbai hdfc bank current account of her relative to get a monthly raw salary since 2010, while her hardworking relative,a single woman engineer, lives the terrible life of a government slave with mp,haryana, goa, karnataka, gujju, sindhi scammers united in criminally defaming, slandering her, so that 10-15 frauds can falsely claim to own her paypal, bank account like the indore housewife deepika/veena and get a monthly government salary
These cunning cruel liar government employees are aware that companies outside india will pay indian citizens only if they are providing some services or selling any product, and since their associates who are mainly housewives, scammer students are not interested in spending many hours daily doing computer work, they are slandering the single woman to ruin her reputation so that they can falsely claim to own her bank account and get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any computer work at all
Shockingly top indian tech and internet companies allegedly google, tata remain the top supporters of the banking fraudster raw/cbi employees so this banking fraud has continued since 2010, without being questioned though the government SLAVERY is being widely discussed on reddit and quora because the domain ownership fraud is very obvious.
The single woman engineer only wants the government to stop associating its lazy fraud employees with her to falsely give them credit, monthly salaries, since they have ruthlessly betrayed her once, and will have no qualms betraying, cheating, exploiting her again in future to cause great losses .
Indicating rampant financial, educational fraud in the indian intelligence agencies, If domain investor does not stay in metro address, the financial, educational fraud will continue. The domain investor had relocated to a small town, mainly because her parents were old and she invested money in property there.
Yet she did not realize that the cunning cheater shivalli brahmins would use the absence to run one of the greatest educational, financial frauds in the world on her, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy relative bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree, 2005 bbm had the impressive resume, savings of the single woman domain investor, engineer, to get nayanshree, a raw job and great powers, while the single woman was criminally defamed, and slandered in the worst manner
While the government relies on the intelligence agencies, increasingly the intelligence employees, especially in karnataka, goa are abusing their powers to reward their relatives like nayanshree, riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, friends, bribe givers, making fake claims about income, resume and educational qualification and get their associates government jobs at the expense of the professional who is slandered, criminally defamed
Indicating the great powers of the haryana EXTORTIONISTS, Fraud haryana mba hr ruchika kinge has never lived in mumbai, yet is FAKING resume, savings to get a monthly government salary allegedly with the help of apostek director puneet who falsely claims that the scammer mba ruchika, who never answered JEE and lived in haryana, noida, delhi all her life,m was his btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay
One of the greatest beneficiaries of the FINANCIAL FRAUD is the fraud haryana mba hr ruchika kinge, who runs an extortion racket, who has never lived in mumbai yet falsely claiming to own the house, domains, savings of the single woman engineer allegedly with the help of her boyfriend apostek director puneet and getting a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer
the fraud ruchika and her boyfriends, puneet, verma, sumeet terrorized the single woman into making payments in 2011-12 after which they stole the retirement savings of the hardworking single woman engineer, to force the engineer to agree to identity theft
Greedy shameless haryana scammer animal ruchika kinge was so confident that her fraud robber boyfriends would be able to steal the identity of the single woman, that she refused to reply, and told her friend not to bother since they had destroyed the engineers reputation
Yet being a greedy fraud animal in human form,. haryana government’s pet animal in human form, ruchika continues with her FINANCIAL FRAUD till date, falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account, domains including this one of the single woman engineer to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
One of the greatest online, financial frauds in india, is how the indian government is allowing multiple greedy fraud states to commit FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on a single woman engineer, domain investor, falsely claiming that various lazy greedy frauds from different states , who did not invest money in domains, had no online income owned the domains, bank account of the single woman to pay all the frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
Since the domain fraudster from each is getting a monthly government salary which will be invested or spent in their home state, the state government agencies are also involved in the domain ownership, financial fraud on the single woman engineer, domain investor
To cover up the financial, domain ownership fraud of greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, indore ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena and others, fake rumors are spread since 2010, that the domains belong to the college classmates of the single woman engineer, when these college classmates have never met, interacted with her, and in reality HATE her.
Though the madhya pradesh government is aware that the indore robber raw employee deepika/veena is not doing any computer work, does not invest money in domains, they continue with their fraud,spreading fake rumors about indore robber raw employee deepika/veena only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband mahesh and are allegedly supported by google, tata, tech, internet companies in her online fraud
Before commenting on the website network content, indian government agencies should explain why 5 LIAR state governments are making fake claims about domain ownership for the last 11 years, to get high status frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, who is criminally defamed in the worst manner
Since indore’s greatest ROBBER raw employee deepika is living and spending in indore, MP government continues with its domain ownership, online fraud
The ruthless SHAMELESS LIAR mp government is aware that indore’s greatest ROBBER raw employee deepika is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband mahesh, does no computer work at all. Additionally indore robber deepika and her powerful boyfriend mhow monster ntro employee puneet have never invested any money in domains at all, do not pay domain renewal fees
Yet taking advantage of the fact that the real domain investor is a single woman engineer with no one to help or defend her, mhow monster ntro employee puneet HATES the real domain investor, his btech 1993 ee classmate, and has criminally defamed her in the worst manner, the greedy LIAR madhya pradesh government continues with its domain ownership fraud, falsely claiming that indore’s greatest ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena, who has never invested money in domains, owns the domains of the single woman engineer to get indore’s greatest ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena a monthly raw salary without doing any kind of computer work,.
the greedy SHAMELESS LIAR madhya pradesh government is aware that if it continues supporting indore’s greatest ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena in her domain ownership FRAUD, she will get a monthly raw salary without doing any kind of computer work and will spend or invest the salary money in the state, and if the domain ownership fraud is exposed, raw may not pay the indore ROBBER raw employee a monthly salary
In a similar manner 4 other states are making fake claims about domain ownership, because the fraud raw/cbi employees will get money which they will save or invest in the state which is supporting them, criminally defaming the real domain investor, who is forced to spend her time and money exposing the domain ownership fraud of the government agencies.
The mainstream media in india always carries positive news about indore, they are not aware that indore and its shameless LIAR officials are pioneers in work at home, domain ownership, CYBERCRIME, EDUCATIONAL and online FRAUD , ruthless in their fraud on a single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper
for the last 11 years, and have ruined the reputation of india in the process.
Before the intelligence and security agencies comment on the website content, they should explain why the madhya pradesh government indore is falsely claiming that indore robber raw employee bespectacled deepika, only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband mahesh, who does not invest in domains, does not do any computer work,did not not answer JEE, owns the paypal, bank account, domains and business of a single woman engineer, domain investor who deepika HATES, criminally defames and has never contacted any time.
Due to the complete lack of ethics of google, tata who are supporting indore SCAMMER deepika in her work at home fraud since 2010, other states especially goa, haryana, karnataka are following indore’s footsteps in work at home fraud, leading to indian government being openly involved in biggest work at home government SLAVERY, domain ownership fraud, for 11 years
The indian government is also supporting work at home fraud, government slavery, refusing to answer why indore robber deepika, living in indore is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman residing in some other city