Author: admin

Gujju fraudster ntro employee parmar cannot provide details when his CHEATER friends made payment for onions domain

One of the biggest frauds in the indian internet sector is how Gujju fraudster ntro employee parmar and his associate bhavik t cannot provide details when their CHEATER friends made payment for onions domain, the names of these cheater friends, yet have been criminally defaming the innocent domain investor for the last 11 years to ruin her reputation, CHEAT,EXPLOIT, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved
It shows the mindset of the gujju officials, ceos of internet companies, that Gujju fraudster ntro employee parmar and his associate bhavik t have no qualms criminally defaming a completely innocent person, MAKING up 100% FAKE stories of cheating, when they cannot even provide the name of the person, when their fraud friend who claimed that he was cheated, made the payment for the onions domain
After suffering great losses, it is time that people, companies and countries are aware that the onions domain cheating of Gujju fraudster ntro employee parmar and his associate gujju ceo bhavik t is one of greatest online frauds in history, and people, companies and countries should be aware that gujju ceo bhavik t and ntro employee parmar are pathological LIARS making 100% FAKE STORIES to criminally defame hardworking innocent domain investors from the poorest communities to CHEAT, EXPLOIT them and make rich greedy fraud communities like gujjus, sindhis, goan bhandaris richer, more powerful

Citizens in panaji, goa not living at their mailing address subjected to financial, real estate fraud, government slavery

Goa government refuses to admit that citizens can legally use their home as a mailing address for bank account, even if they do not live there overnight
In one of the greatest BRIBERY rackets in goa,Goa government refuses to admit that citizens can legally use their home as a mailing address for bank account, even if they do not live there overnight and is openly involved in financial, real estate fraud on some citizens who are not living at their mailing address overnight.
In a very lucrative BRIBERY rackets in goa, the home owner who is not living at the mailing address, home is subjected to FINANCIAL FRAUD, government slavery twice. The greedy goa government officials are taking BRIBES from fraud high status people living in the area where the mailing address is located in real estate, financial fraud, to get the bribe givers government jobs for faking bank account ownership
Additionally if the online business owner is working from home, the greedy government employees living in the area where she stays overnight due to personal or professional reasons, like cheater caro, falsely claim that their lazy greedy robber wife, greedy goan gsb robber riddhi nayak caro, who does not invest money in domains, does not do any computer work, owns the domains, bank account in another financial fraud, government slavery

Bank account change exposes goa government FINANCIAL FRAUD of linking identity of single woman engineer with addresss

Most domain investors are using a post box address if they have more domains
In India, like elsewhere, people are always changing their mailing address, for personal, professional reasons . Yet in a major fraud of the indian internet,tech sector, the companies and government are involved in a fraud of linking the identity of domain investors with their mailing address,falsely claiming that their neigbours own the property,bank account

Legally the bank account of a citizen in india is linked to the PAN and identity of the citizen, it is not linked to the address. Yet allegedly bribed by google, tata, indian tech and internet companies, the indian and 5 state governments in goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra are openly involved in a FINANCIAL FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper, also a domain investor, making fake claims about her bank account to get various lazy greedy frauds raw/cbi salaries at her expense, while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer

In panaji,goa the intelligence and security agencies are openly involved in a financial fraud,falsely claiming that high status frauds living near the mailing address of the domain investor, engineer own her bank account, domains, to get all these frauds monthly government salaries while criminally defaming the single woman engineer, who has no one to help or defend her
Due to the criminal defamation in panaji, the domain investor could not use one bank account after bank merger, so she used another bank account opened in mumbai , changing the mailing address for the bank account. In future, she can change the mailing address again to the non-goa address and use the same bank account

This exposes the indian government fraud of rewarding the google, tata sponsored fraud neighbours of domain investors, with raw/cbi jobs, falsely claiming that these frauds with no online income,no online investment, are online experts,domain investors
The identity of a domain investor is not linked to the place where she is living, which mailing address is used, it is linked to the person, her skills,investment and the indian tech, internet sector should end its fraud at the earliest .

Panaji’s top EXTORTIONIST greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro has lived in goa all her life, now falsely claiming to own mumbai bank account

One of the best indications of the endless frauds in the indian tech, internet sector is how google,tata are supporting Panaji’s top EXTORTIONIST greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro in her latest BANKING FRAUD of falsely claiming to own the mumbai icici bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer who has no one to no one to help or defend herself against fraud companies like google, tata, cheater shivalli brahmin men like tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad, hathwar, kodancha, j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet,goan frauds mandrekar, nayak, caro, goan bhandari pritesh chodankar, naik and other greedy fraud men who are CHEATING, EXPLOITING , ROBBING her

indian tech, internet companies especially google,tata are aware that Panaji’s top EXTORTIONIST greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro (like goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan) has lived in goa all her life and is only powerful in goa because her fraud father nayak, husband crooked cheater caro are top officials in security agencies, abusing their powers to CRIMINALLY defame the goa 1989 jee topper in the worst manner
Even the other greedy goan fraud raw employee siddhi mandrekar was born in 1990 or later, so she was not an adult when the icici bank account was opened and panaji’s top sindhi scammer schooldropout housewife naina chandan has lived in kolhapur and panaji, goa with her xerox shop owning fraud husband , not in mumbai . indore robberraw employee deepika was in indore after 2000, and haryana mba hr ruchika kinge was in karnal, haryana till 2011.

Even the shivalli brahmin bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree was living in gangolli,kundapura, udupi at least till 2006, there is no way she would have travelled to mumbai just for opening the bank account.
So after being cheated , exploited, ROBBED for 11 years by the cruel cunning raw/ntro employees led by mhow monster puneet, the domain investor will not tolerate any more banking fraud from the raw/cbi employees

Panaji fraud liar gujju/sindhi officials, community continue with their fraud of linking the identity of a single woman with their mailing address

One of the biggest problems living in panaji is the endless frauds of the Panaji fraud liar gujju/sindhi officials, community who are always targetting older single woman professionals for their endless frauds which will never be tolerated anywhere else
One of the biggest frauds of the Panaji shameless liar greedy gujju/sindhi officials, community is how the goa government refuses to question their fraud of linking the identity of a single woman with living at the mailing address and if the single woman is not living at her mailing address the shameless scammer sindhi community, officials are falsely claiming that greedy shameless sindhi scammer housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh who was least interested in studying after eighth standard has the resume, savings of a single woman professional

The shameless sindhi scammer community is aware that their favorite scammer school dropout naina chandan,illegally married at 16, was living in panaji since 1995 at least with her scammer xerox shop owning husband, she has no professional qualification, experience, savings of her own, yet being pathological liars and frauds, they have continue with their fraud to get the shameless sindhi scammer naina a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman engineer

So this is posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware of the EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD of the panaji greedy gujju, shameless scammer sindhi community, leaders, officials like nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh

Goa government continues its FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL FRAUD on some citizens, falsely linking their identity with the location

The identity of a citizen does not change if he or she is not at his mailing address, yet Goa government continues its FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL FRAUD on some citizens, falsely linking their identity with the location, especially their mailing address to criminally defame them.

All writing clients informed about indian government iwriter, paypal, banking fraud on writers
IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies are openly involved in iwriter, paypal, banking fraud, falsely claiming that lazy liar fraud raw/cbi employees who do not any writing work at all, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a private citizen, who is criminally defamed in the worst manner, denied a life of dignity
Despite protesting for more than 7 years, the indian government refuses to end the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the hardworking private citizen, making it difficult to lead a normal life or focus on the writing work
The goa government is also openly involved in a major writing fraud, falsely linking the identity, skills of a citizen, with the place where the person is, when writing work can be done at home anywhere . Just because the domain investor is not doing the writing work at her mailing address, the goa government is openly involved in labor law violations, FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the writer belongs to the lazy greedy fraud relatives of greedy goa government employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi, and bribe givers like naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil who do no writing work at all

So now the domain investor is informing all her clients about the indian, goan government financial, writing, iwriter fraud on her, so that they are aware of how the indian government is criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting the real writers and making fake claims about fraud raw/cbi employees who do no writing work at all.

Goa government’s favorite sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina chandan falsely claimed that domain investor had relocated to get raw/cbi jobs for herself, her lazy fraud sons

Goa government refuse to admit that its favorite sindhi scammer school droppout naina chandan is a LIAR, who they should not have trusted
The Goa government’s favorite sindhi scammer school droppout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, was aware that the domain investor was living nearby due to personal reason and was visiting the house regularly, almost everyday.
Yet indicating the poor judgement and corruption of the local panaji officials, they blindly believed the sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina chandan, who misguided everyone, that the domain investor had relocated to some other city, when she was living in the vicinity and could be easily contacted if required.
Based on the complete lies of the sindhi scammer, the goa government has given the sindhi scammer naina and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil raw/cbi jobs falsely claiming that the shameless greedy fraud panaji sindhi family, with no online income, no online investment, owned the paypal, bank account, domains of the single woman domain investor
After a lot of effort, the domain investor has exposed the fraud of the greedy sindhi scammer family who have criminally defamed her in the worst possible manner, yet the goa government continues to repeat the complete lies of the panaji sindhi scammer family, and refuses to correct their mistake, forcing the domain investor to protest

Single women investors in goa face “injustice, insult,partiality” since CORRUPT government officials falsely links their savings with living overnight at a particular address

Goa is one of the worst places in india for single women investors since they face “injustice, insult,partiality”, criminal defamation, since CORRUPT government officials falsely links their savings with living overnight at a particular address and criminally defame them if they do not live at their communication address in a major FINANCIAL FRAUD masterminded by sundar pichai led google,tata

The identity,resume, savings of indian citizens does not depend on living overnight at a communication address, the retired professor having a house opposite the mailing address of the domain investor is receiving his pension without any problem, though he is away from india for more 15 months,no one is defaming him.

On the other hand, the domain investor is visiting her mailing address at least 3-4 times in a week, yet in a major FINANCIAL FRAUD, the security and intelligence agency employees in panaji are criminal defaming her, she faces “injustice, insult,partiality” with greedy government employees falsely claiming that their relatives and bribe givers likes sindhi scammer schooldropout with no savings of her own have her resume, savings to get them raw/cbi salaries

Greedy goa government employees extremely vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING single women investors,denying them a life of dignity

indore top ROBBER RAW employee bespectacled deepika, living in indore why is R&AW, indian government making fake stories that the fraud housewife is living in goa

Though indore top ROBBER RAW employee bespectacled deepika is living in indore with her husband, Corrupt LIAR goa, indian government about their favorite indore robber housewife
Corrupt LIAR goa government is falsely claiming indore top ROBBER RAW employee bespectacled deepika, living in indore with her fraud liar husband mahesh is living in goa, to get indore’s top fraud housewife a monthly raw salary at the expense of her sister, the goa 1989 jee topper, who is the real domain investor
Corrupt LIAR goa government employees are getting huge BRIBES from indore top ROBBER RAW employee bespectacled deepika and her fraud husband mahesh to spread false rumors about indore top ROBBER RAW employee bespectacled deepika, so that indore top robber deepika gets a monthly raw salary for FAKING paypal, bank account at the expense of her sister who actually has a paypal, bank account
The indian, madhya pradesh and goa government are aware that indore top ROBBER RAW employee bespectacled deepika is living in her posh house in indore, only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, does no computer work at all,does not invest in domains, yet makes FAKE CLAIMS to justify paying indore housewife, a fraud a monthly raw salary

Panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan was living in panaji since 1994, yet cbi, indian, goa government making up fake stories of working in Mumbai

SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD LIAR panaji sindhi, gujju leaders, officials, comunity ruthlessly CHEAT, EXPLOIT poorer communities to get cbi job for sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUTS faking engineering degrees

One of the reasons why the sindhi, gujju community is rich and powerful is SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD LIAR panaji sindhi, gujju leaders, officials, comunity ruthlessly CHEAT, EXPLOIT poorer communities to get cbi jobs for sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT housewives faking engineering degrees
The entire gujju, sindhi community is aware that the panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh was illegally married at the age of 16, in 1994 to her xerox shop owning husband pran, 16 years older and has lived in panaji, goa since then, she has not done any job, since no engineering company will hire a school dropout like naina. Election records also prove that panaji cbi employee naina chandan was living in panaji

Yet indicating the complete lack of morals, honesty and humanity of SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD LIAR panaji sindhi, gujju leaders, officials, community, leaders they are criminally defaming an experienced single woman engineer from the poor bhandari community of karwar/kumta, who has no one to help or defend her against the LIAR, gujju sindhi community and then falsely claiming that the panaji sindhi scammer school dropout, has the impressive resume, savings of the single woman engineer to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.

The sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan is allegedly supported in her EDUCATIONAL FRAUD by the Apostek director puneet ,R&AW employee tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil shah in a clear case of professional misconduct which the indian and goan government refuse to end.

DNA testing will legally prove that cbi employee naina chandan was living in panaji, goa and has two sons, nikhil born in 1999 and other 3-4 years later, so she was not working in Mumbai yet the gujju, sindhi community is extremely aggressive in its educational, professional fraud, making fake claims about the panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, who no engineering company would employee to get her a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman engineer who the LIAR communities are criminally defaming

This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people, companies and countries question the gujju, sindhi community, leaders, officials, why they are DUPING people, companies and countries with their complete lies, regarding sindhi school dropout naina, who has lived in panaji, goa since her marriage in 1994, has no professional experience or savings of her own at all