To bribe and control top government officials, google, tata, ntro, have perfected the fake case, fake help, relocation fraud in India

In 2018 only to bribe and control top government officials without spending any money from their million dollar profit, google, tata, ntro, have perfected the fake case, fake help, relocation fraud in India on harmless indian paypal account holders since 2010.

In a online fraud which is far greater than the Agusta, Rafale, Bofors fraud masterminded by section 420 fraud google,tata, ntro employees since 2010, the fraud companies google, tata with the help of section 420 fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan are involved in a very elaborate fraud which involves defaming without any proof, cheating and exploiting harmless indian paypal account holders to bribe and control top NTRO, raw, cbi, security agency employees

The security agency employees are asked to abuse their discretionary powers and falsely label indian paypal account holders making a small amount of money online, as a security threat without any legally valid proof. Then the fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, fake their help for the hardworking honest and harmless paypal account holder, and falsely claim that the lazy greedy mediocre cheater relatives, bribe givers and friends of the security agency employees like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, veena, sunaina, and other frauds who do not spend any time, doing work are doing the work, to get them all raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real paypal account holder

These fraud google/tata sponsored raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to be online experts, then pay money and sex bribes to top raw, cbi, ntro, security agency employees from the indian government salary which they are getting with the stolen identity, on behalf of google, tata and do whatever the bosses in google, tata are ordering them to do. Though the fraud companies google, tata are aware of the fact that these women are not doing any work, not investing any money online, yet they continue to make fake claims , so that the indian taxpayer pays bribes on behalf of google, tata, to top indian government employees

CBI falsely giving lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, extortionist credit, salary, when engineer relocates

CBI is a fraud organization with top officials shameless FRAUDS AND LIARS of the greatest order far worse than the notorious nigerian fraudsters. It can be legally proved that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy cbi employee goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut has never invested any money online, never done any work online and never made any money online.

Yet in massive fraud masterminded by google, tata , NTRO, raw, cbi, security agency employees are falsely giving the top panaji extortionist gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, credit and a monthly indian government salary just because a single woman engineer spends some time with an aged parent, a senior citizen,. It can be legally proved that goa’s greatest extortionist shameless riddhi nayak has never interacted with the engineer whose paypal, bank account, resume, savings she falsely claims to own

So there is no connection at all , and riddhi nayak like othe fraud cbi/raw employees including indore fraud veena should only use their own resume, savings as lazy inexperienced fraud housewives or call girls, who greatest achievement is having married a fraud husband like caro or relative, who specializes in stealing the identity of experienced single woman engineers , to get the housewives and call girls raw/cbi jobs

CBI lectures citizens on tax evasion, can it explain, why it is wasting taxpayer money paying salaries to a lazy greedy cheater housewives like riddhi nayak , naina, who are faking a btech 1993 ee degree,paypal account, online work, and online investment

Gujju fraudsters closely monitoring engineer trying to cover up their false rumors that the engineer has shifted

Greedy shameless gujju fraudsters parekh, parmar do not have the grace, honesty and humanity to acknowledge the hard work and experience of single woman engineer, domain investor instead for more than 9 years they have wasted more than Rs 30 crore of indian taxpayer money trying to frame the engineer, so that they can steal her hard earned money, resume, and force her to agree to identity theft

Due to the endless harassment and defamation by the gujju crooks parmar, parekh since 2010, the engineer is living in multiple houses and she has noticed that when she enters her house which is used for bank purposes, paypal acccount, either the gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, or her sons nikhil, karan are closely monitoring her activities

Usually when the engineer enters the house, karan will go to some place in the vicinity on a scooter and inform them and when she leaves the house, she is also noticing that karan, nikhil or naina are watching her leave the house. They have not found any evidence at all for more than 9 years, and instead of having the grace and humanity to accept the fact that the experienced engineer has worked hard for her resume, savings the greedy shameless vicious gujju fraudsters continue to try to frame, the experienced engineer

It appears that the gujju fraudsters are trying to cover up their fraud of spreading false rumors that she shifted by closely monitoring when she comes to the house

Section 420 fraud liar Google,tata employees have perfected the relocation fraud so that indian taxpayer pays money,sex bribes for these fraud companies

It can be legally proved that google, tata employees are some of the greatest liars and frauds in world history, beating the nigerian fraudsters with their endless frauds on indian paypal account holders so that indian taxpayer pays money,sex bribes for these fraud companies

In one of the greatest paypal, online frauds, sex, bribery rackets, the section 420 fraud google, tata employees are putting the paypal account holder under surveillance and falsely claiming that the call girls they supply for sex and other lazy fraud bribe givers like google, tata sponsored school dropout gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, veena, sunaina who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online, are doing the work to get them raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real paypal account holder.

In USA, Michael Cohen is facing legal action for telling lies, however the indian and goan government blindly believes the lies of fraud google,. tata, ntro and other fraud government employees

Couriers not delivering books for review because of fake stories of relocation in panaji, goa

The google, tata masterminded identity theft racket on a single woman engineer, domain investor, in panaji, goa involves ensuring that no one in india is in contact with her. Many people want to send books for review, however due to fake relocation stories of google, tata employees and their stooges, the books are not being delivered in panaji, goa

So the shameless section 420 fraud google, tata employees are ruthless in making up fake stories that the domain investor has relocated, though the engineer is visiting her home almost daily when she is in Goa
All the courier companies are falsely told by the google, tata sponsored frauds like goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina, gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina , that the engineer has relocated, so that they do not try to contact the engineer on phone, or leave an intimation in panaji, goa. These fraud raw/cbi employees are aware of the fact that the engineer is visiting at least once a day, yet being pathological shameless liars, they are misleading the courier companies. The domain investor has noticed the gujju fraud observing her everytime she is entering and leaving the housedd

In all other states, the courier will at least contact on phone, the domain investor gets almost no phone call daily, so it is very unlikely that her phone is engaged.This clearly shows how ruthless the google, tata employees are in ensuring that their sex, bribery racket in panaji, goa is not exposed

Relatives harassed to force google competitor to sell house and relocate

Not satisfied with circulating defamatory photos, the gujju identity theft gang hiding behind gujju housewife naina are also harassing the domain investor’s relatives to force her to sell the house and relocate permanently.

The gujju identity theft gang led the pathological liar gujju fraudsters parmar, parekh, supported by fraud companies google, tata are openly involved in a major real estate fraud in panaji, goa, falsely claiming to own the house of the domain investor by bribing corrupt top intelligence and security agency employees in goa.

Though these shameless liar frauds hiding behind google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh are aware of the fact that no engineering college would admit a eighth standard pass school dropout like naina , no engineering company would hire a semiliterate gujju housewife married at 16, there is no end to the frauds and lies of gujju cheaters parmar, parekh, puneet, who falsely claim that the school dropout gujju fraudster owns the savings of a single woman engineer to defame, cheat and exploit the engineer, get the school dropout a monthly salary at the expense of the engineer

The fraud ntro employee puneet, gujju fraudsters parekh, parmar had stolen the savings of the engineer while travelling in 2012 and are falsely claiming that the stolen money belongs to the gujju school dropout . However after spending a lot of time and money, the engineer managed to get back some of her savings which the shameless greedy liar gujju fraudsters were falsely claiming to own in 2018.

The greedy shameless gujju fraudsters were extremely angry that their identity theft fraud was exposed, so they started harassing the domain investor, engineer, and google competitor, trying to force her to sell the house, and relocate permanently.

Though they have plenty of plants in their own house, the bespectacled chainsmoking balding husband of google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina started falsely claiming that the few plants in the house of the google competitor were reponsible for the dengue of their delicate sons, nikhil, karan, who are roaming around half clothed

Not satisfied with wasting the time of the domain investor and the neighbours with photos and fake stories, they are also harassing relatives of the domain investor, visiting their office and telling them the fake stories wasting their time.

Gujju fraudsters in goa spreading false rumors that engineer has left her house

Some people have multiple houses of their own and family members where they can spend time, and there is no legal rule that a person should spend a specific amount of his or her time in any specific house.

Even if a person does not spend any time in a house for years, it does not change the legal status of the ownership of the house, he or she will continue to own the house
However the gujju fraudsters parmar, parekh, are trying to cover up their fraud of stealing the identity of a single woman engineer, to get the lazy greedy mediocre school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, a cbi job by spreading false rumors that the engineer has left her house, though she is visiting the house daily

Brahmin Mhow cheater NTRO employee puneet specializes in relocation frauds

One of the most fraud government employees in India is the the brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, who is the director of a domlur, bengaluru company. The cunning brahmin fraudster puneet is an excellent actor and specializes in faking his relationship with hardworking honest single women engineers to steal everything from them. Other fraudsters closely associated with him are parmar, j srinivasan, patel and vijay

The modus operandi of the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet involves faking his relationship with a hardworking single woman engineer, falsely claiming to know her very well, when actually he has not communicated with her for more than 25 years, and is unlikely to do so in future also.

Then the fraud associates of the mhow cheater puneet are making fake allegations without any proof at all, and the mhow cheater puneet is ensuring that the engineer does not get any information of those who are making fake allegations, so that she cannot defend herself, and the fraud puneet falsely claims that he is blocking the information because he wishes to “help” her.
In reality the fraud puneet is blocking the information, to encourage others to file fake cases against the engineer, because all those who are filing fake cases, are aware that no one will question their lies, and the fraud puneet will also reward them financially for defaming the engineer who he actually hates.

If the engineer was aware of the details, she would immediately initiate legal action against those making fake allegations, so to protect and reward those filing fake cases, mhow cheater puneet, google, tata are refusing to provide the engineer any information, falsely claiming to help. However they are actually defaming the engineer, when they do so, and telling everyone that she has many fake cases against her

So when the engineer relocates the fraud ntro employee puneet and his associates like parmar, j srinivasan, are falsely claiming that she has relocated to avoid legal cases, and then they steal her identity to get their mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced fraud girlfriends, raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer, In reality there are no legally valid cases against the engineer, yet the section 420 fraud domlur director has got away with his fake cases, fake help fraud since 2010, wasting Rs 30 crore of indian taxpayer money.

To force google competitor to relocate school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina’s husband blames domain investor for their son’s dengue

The gujju identity theft gang led the pathological liar gujju fraudsters parmar, parekh, supported by fraud companies google, tata are openly involved in a major real estate fraud in panaji, goa, falsely claiming to own the house of the domain investor by bribing corrupt top intelligence and security agency employees in goa.

Though these shameless liar frauds hiding behind google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh are aware of the fact that no engineering college would admit a eighth standard pass school dropout like naina , no engineering company would hire a semiliterate gujju housewife married at 16, there is no end to the frauds and lies of gujju cheaters parmar, parekh, puneet, who falsely claim that the school dropout gujju fraudster owns the savings of a single woman engineer to defame, cheat and exploit the engineer, get the school dropout a monthly salary at the expense of the engineer

The fraud ntro employee puneet, gujju fraudsters parekh, parmar had stolen the savings of the engineer while travelling in 2012 and are falsely claiming that the stolen money belongs to the gujju school dropout . However after spending a lot of time and money, the engineer managed to get back some of her savings which the shameless greedy liar gujju fraudsters were falsely claiming to own in 2018.

The greedy shameless gujju fraudsters were extremely angry that their identity theft fraud was exposed, so they started harassing the domain investor, engineer, and google competitor, trying to force her to sell the house, and relocate permanently. The first trick of the chainsmoking bespectacled balding moustachioed husband of the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina was to blame the engineer for the dengue which their sons were suffering from. The sons are almost always dressed skimpily, usually topless and mosquitoes would have bitten them anywhere

However the gujju frauds are so desperate to force the google competitor to relocate, that they started blaming the small amount of water accumulated in the garden of the domain investor for the dengue. The fraud naina;s husband was so ruthless that he clicked photos of the terrace and started circulating them to everyone. He also complained to a large number of people, defaming the domain investor, engineer.

Most professionals do not have their identity stolen when they relocate

Many professionals relocate from one city to another for personal or professional reasons, and in almost all cases, the identity of the professional is not stolen by people living in the area, where the person resided earlier.

Only in the case of the domain investor, google competitor,engineer, she is finding that because of the google, tata, ntro fake case and fake help fraud, everytime she is shifting, the ntro employees are defaming, cheating and exploiting her, stealing her identity to get their lazy greedy inexperienced girlfriends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity

The cunning fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, parmar, vijay, j srinivasan, patel and others are then expecting the engineer to tolerate their identity theft fraud. In 2018, it is clear that all the cases were 100% fake and the help of the ntro employees was also 100% fake, so why should the engineer tolerate the identity theft of the fraud ntro employees who faked their relationship with her.

Why is the engineer, domain investor not treated like any other professional who relocated for personal reasons can the fraud ntro employees explain in an open debate?, why are call girls,school dropouts, document robber indore housewife veena and other google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to have her resume, savings, domains, paypal and bank account to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer.