R&AW/cbi refuse to monitor location, activities of their lazy greedy fraud employees who fake bank account

R&AW/cbi continue their BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY of the domain investor making FAKE CLAIMS about their lazy greedy employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro with no online income , falsely claiming that they own the bank account of a private citizen, who the ROBBER riddhi hates, has never met and has CRIMINALLY DEFAMED

Before LIAR indian government agencies, tech and internet companies comment on the low income of the domain investor,engineer they should explain why indian governmnent agencies like R&AW/cbi are continuing with their CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, BANKING FRAUD and government SLAVERY of the domain investor, engineer, falsely claiming that their LAZY GREEDY FRAUD employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro,kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshreee, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan who do no computer work, own the paypal, bank account of a private citizen, single woman engineer,private citizen who their lazy greedy FRAUD employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her husband CHEATER caro working in security agencies HATE,CRIMINALLY DEFAME
These GREEDY FRAUD raw/cbi employes refuse to legally open their own paypal, bank account, rely CRIMINAL DEFAME hardworking single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper, obc bhandari single woman engineer to falsely claim to own her bank account and get a monthly government salary
To cover up the massive BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY, the pathological LIAR raw/cbi employees are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer, falsely claiming that her domains, bank account, savings belong to the government employees who HATE her, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay, when there is no connection at all, the government employees have never helped the single woman in any way
While raw /cbi have been closely monitoring the single woman engineer, government SLAVERY victim for more than 13 years wasting crores of taxpayer money, these CORRUPT LIAR indian government agencies refuse to track the location, activities of their LAZY GREEDY FRAUD employees like ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree who are paid a monthly government salary for FAKING bank account, domain ownership since 2010 in a major CYBERCRIME, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION RACKET for banking, financial fraud

While bengaluru’s top brahmin cheater raw employee nayanshree, like haryana’s top fraud ruchita kinge has refused to reply to domain investor since 2012, the domain investor has never interacted or met Top LIAR cbi employee greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who continues her BANKING FRAUD on single woman engineer exposing widespread indian government financial fraud.

Location of raw/cbi employees exposes government FINANCIAL FRAUD, yet government refuses to end it

Indicating extremely high levels of government fraud in the indian internet sector, though the location of the raw/cbi employees is different from the location of the bank account , the government agencies continue with their banking, online, financial fraud.
Usually people will use the local bank account only.
Also most married women like cbi employees panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro,kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani are living with their husband in India, especially if they claim that they are working at home. The linkedin profile of siddhi mandrekar shows that she is in goa, doing her well paid hotel job
Yet raw/cbi continue with their great online,financial fraud, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro,kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani living in panaji,goa with their husband, are owning and using the bank account of a single woman engineer, private citizen, in mumbai

GREEDY goan bhandari SHAMELESS SCAMMER sisters raw employee sunaina chodan, priya,puja, tejas are in goa, FAKE mumbai bank account ownership

worldwide it is agreed that a computer is required for doing writing and other resource intensive work which requires a large monitor.
Yet in one of india’s greatest online, financial frauds, GREEDY goan bhandari SHAMELESS SCAMMER sisters raw employee sunaina chodan, priya,puja, tejas remain india’s most dangerous and greedy online, banking fraudsters, refusing to invest money in a computer , yet getting monthly government salaries since 2013, for faking domain ownership, writing work, bank account to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the single non-goan bhandari woman engineer who is actually paying for the domain names, spending her time doing computer work
to cover up their BANKING FRAUD, CYBERCRIME of using stolen data to make fake claims, the GREEDY goan bhandari SHAMELESS SCAMMER sisters raw employee sunaina chodan, priya,puja, tejas, their cunning cheater relatives CHEATER chodankar, naik working in government agencies, brahmin/bania sugar daddies like puneet, j srinivasan , indian tech and internet companies have been extremely vicious in criminally defaming the hardworking single non-goan bhandari woman engineer who is actually paying for the domains
The GREEDY goan bhandari SHAMELESS SCAMMER sisters raw employee sunaina chodan, priya,puja, tejas have plenty of money to celebrate a lavish Rs 10 lakh wedding, yet these scamer sisters refuse to legally purchase the domains which they falsely claim to own to get monthly government salaries
Though the instagram account shows that GREEDY goan bhandari SHAMELESS SCAMMER raw employee sunaina chodan, getting a monthly government salary is celebrating a very lavish wedding in a 5-star hotel, indian , goa government agencies continue to make fake claims about the scammer sisters , falsely claiming that they are in mumbai, own a mumbai bank account
This indian government policy of making up fake stories of computer work to reward lazy greedy online fraudsters like the goan bhandari scammer sisters, has been noted even by the african countries, who are sending emails regarding computer charges.

Indore’s top FRAUD raw employee housewife deepika/veena remains in indore, FAKES credit card ownership to get monthly salary

While the mainstream media is covering the news of the death of dalit iit bombay student darshan solanki, it refuses to carry the news of how the professional career of some obc engineers who did not use reservation is killed by GREEDY FRAUD states like haryana, madhya pradesh, goa, karnataka, gujarat,their btech classmates with the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay led by cruel CUNNING CHEATER government employees puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay and others stealing the resume, savings, data, correspondence of their female classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper who they HATE to get their lazy greedy fraud real girlfriends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen data, resume since 2010,

Just because the single woman engineer studied in the same college, CRUEL, CUNNING, CHEATER government employees like puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay and others are CLOSELY MONITORING her , after making fake allegations without any proof and falsely claiming that all her savings, domains, bank account, online income belongs to their lazy greedy real girlfriends and associates like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree 2015 BBM, haryana GREEDY gurugram CHEATER optum human resources manager ruchita kinge , kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak caro,panaji goan bhandari CALL girl raw employee sunaina chodan who then get government jobs for FAKING their resume, savings, investment and online income.
one of the greatest atrocities masterminded by the indian tech and internet companies,government is how madhya pradesh government continues its massive ONLINE, BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD to get monthly government salary for indore’s top FRAUD raw employee deepika/veena who is falsely claiming to own the bank account of a single woman engineer, private citizen who she HATES, CRIMINALLY DEFAMED and has never helped
Indore’s top FRAUD raw employee housewife deepika/veena does not want to open her own paypal, bank account legally provide services to customers outside india,instead relies on the SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR FRAUD madhy pradeshg government employees to spread fake rumors that the bank account of a private citizen, single woman, belongs to greedy governmentemployees who HATE the single woman, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay like puneet to get indiore’s top CHEATER raw employee deepika/veena a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership,bank account since 2012
when indorea’s top CHEATER raw employee deepika/veena, prefers to invest her money in gold, real estate, spend time and money COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, travelling on holiday, does not want to invest money in domains, providing services to customers why is R&AW,indian,madhya pradesh government making fake claims about madhya pradesh’s greatest online fraudster raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena
The credit card payment which were all done in mumbai expose the madhya pradesh, indian government FINANCIAL FRAUD, since indore’s top cheater housewife deepika/veena has largely remained in indore in the financial year 2022-23 and visited mumbai only once in december for a few hours, like most other domain fraudster raw/cbi employees including greedy gujju stock trader amita patel , yet gets a monthly salary for making FAKE CLAIMS indicating widespread government financial, accounting fraud

Instagram posts show the real location of the raw/cbi employees faking online income, domain ownership

The indian tech and internet companies are running one of the greatest government SLAVERY rackets in the world, having their stooges get lucrative raw/cbi jobs faking domain ownership, online income since 2010, while the real domain investor is criminally defamed, denied a life of dignity
Though raw/cbi are aware that their high status lazy greedy fraud employees are CYBERCRIMINALS,LIARS using stolen data to make fake claims of computer work, online income, indicating widespread government FINANCIAL,accounting fraud, the government agencies continue to make fake claims to justify wasting taxpayer money on their lazy fraud employees

the instagram/linkedin profile of the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees easily expose the indian government financial, computer work fraud since 2010 which the government agencies refuse to end

While sindhi scammer raw employee banking fraudster bank manager nikhil premchandani is a full time employee of axe bank in pune according to his linkedin profile, instagram posts show that greedy gurugram fraud mba hr ruchita kinge is relaxing wearing a skimpy backless beach dress on the beach in some middle east country , while goan bhandari fraud raw employee sunaina chodan is celebrating her lavish Rs 10 lakh wedding in a 5 star hotel goa, and greedy gujju stock trader amita patel is running her training business in navi mumbai/thane, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree is cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband guruprasad,

Yet in a shocking computer work fraud,government agencies continue to make fake claims that these fraud employees are doing computer work, when they are clearly not doing so, shocking even the african countries with the brazen indian government computer work fraud which can be legally proved

Indore SHAMELESS SCAMMER housewife raw employee deepika/veena is living in indore since 2000, yet GREEDY LIAR madhya pradesh government to get no work, no investment government job

Indore SHAMELESS SCAMMER housewife raw employee deepika/veena is living in indore, yet SHAMELESS LIAR madhya pradesh government, indore officials/leaders make fake claims
In a location fraud emulated by the LIAR GREEDY goa, haryana, karnataka, gujarat government to get great powers , monthly salary for greedy goan CALL GIRL raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees, 5 GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR state government are openly involved in CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD on marathi speaking bhandari profesional, investor from north karnataka to get no work no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector since 2010,.
Indore SHAMELESS SCAMMER housewife raw employee deepika/veena is living in indore since 2000., yet SHAMELESS LIAR madhya pradesh government, indore officials/leaders make fake claims that the indore fraud housewife raw employee deepika/veena living in her posh house in indore with her fraud husband mahesh, COOKING, CLEANING, was in goa/mumbai to get her a no work, no investment government job in the indian internet sector at the expense of the real domain investor, single woman engineer who was viciously SLANDERED to cover up the banking, online fraud
Showing that indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are the greatest online fraudsters in the world, these fraud companies are supporting the shameles scammer state governments in their endless online, financial fraud, government slavery on a single woman engineer, domain investor causing great losses

Though greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is in goa, her fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro spread fake rumors

Almost all domain fraudster raw/cbi employees have a good social status, lifestyle because they are married to well connected powerful men and they live with their husband like most indian married women

Both the lazy greedy fraud cbi employees in goa greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, indore housewife deepika/veena are typical indian housewives only COOKING, CLEANING for their crooked husbands they are living with, they do not invest money in domains, do not do any computer work.
Yet indicating high levels of fraud in the indian tech, internet sector, government agencies, robber riddhi’s fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro are closely monitoring a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, and then falsely claiming that these greedy fraud women are doing all the computer work, when they do not spend any time or money at all to get robber riddhi a monthly government FAKING online income, domain ownership
Even the shameless scammer gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel with assets of Rs 100 crores is a CYBERCRIMINAL stealing the data of a hardworking single woman engineer and making fake claims to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor
Showing that indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are the biggest supporters of CYBERCRIME in the world, they continue to reward all these frauds with monthly government salaries only for stealing data and making fake claims

Though the domain investor left goa 13 months ago, LIAR indian tech, internet companies making up FAKE STORIES about their favorite fraud call girl sunaina chodan

Few can match the dishonesty of goan bhandari officials, leaders CHEATER chodankar, naik in making FAKE CLAIMS about goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan
The SHAMELESS SCAMMER LIAR goan bhandari officials, leaders CHEATER chodankar, naik are aware that goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan does not invest money in domains, does not do any computer work at all

Showing how ruthless and shameless the SCAMMER LIAR goan bhandari officials, leaders CHEATER chodankar, naik are in CHEATING, EXPLOITING,ROBBING hardworking marathi speaking bhandari professionals, investors from north karnataka these SHAMELESS LIAR GREEDY FRAUD goan bhandari officials/leaders are SHAMELESSLY SLANDERING a hardworking bhandari single woman engineer, domain investor and falsely claiming that the top goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina , a scammer who does not pay any money for domains, owns this and other domains,to get the panaji greedy goan scammer great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
In a sex trader racket, the top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are also supporting shameless scammer sunaina who they allegedly supply to top government employees in her domain ownership fraud, to avoid paying her call girl fees from their million dollar profits
the government agencies are spreading FAKE rumors these shameless greedy fraud states, government agencies were ruthless in their fraud on a hardworking single woman engineer,domain investor, goan 1989 topper, falsely claiming that her domains, savings, bank, paypal account belonged to cunning cheater powerful government employees who actually HATED her, never helped her, especially allegedly her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay when it can be legally proved that there is no connection at all
The marathi speaking bhandari single woman engineer has purchased some hair related domains, yet the shameless scammer goan bhandari officials/leaders are falsely claiming that shameless scammer sunaina, who does not pay any money , owns the domains, to get her great powers
Though the single woman engineer is not in goa for more than 13 months, there is no connection at all, yet the FRAUD LIAR tech and internet companies, greedy goan bhandari officials, leaders continue to DUPE countries, companies and people with fake stories about their favorite FRAUD goan CALL GIRL scammer sunaina chodan to justify the monthly government salary , great powers, the greedy goan call girl is getting for faking ownership of this and other domains

Oreal is the latest company which has been duped and is featuring a look alike of the goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, when she does not invest any money in domains at all like the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, relies on her PIMPS, SUGAR DADDIES, LOVERS, relatives CHEATER chodankar, naik to DUPE companies, countries and people

Though goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan is in panaji, government agencies making fake claims as part of job for SEX deal

LIAR indian government agencies continue their job for SEX racket making fake claims about panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan
the panaji greedy goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who looks like actress malllika sherawat , having a pet bulldog tago, married to a photographer charging Rs 75000 daily has never done any computer work, never invested any money in domains in her life
Yet in india’s greatest JOB FOR SEX racket masterminded by india’s top tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, tata since 2012 LIAR top government employees led by the SHAMELESS SCAMMER brahmin cheater j srinivsan are openly involved in CYBERCRIME on a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, who they HATE, closely monitoring all her activities and then falsely claiming that all the computer work is done by shameless scammer sunaina when shameless scammer sunaina does not have a computer, does not spend time to get their favorite fraud CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, a no work,no investment government job at the expense of the single woman engineer in a case of government SLAVERY
To cover up the human rights abuses,government SLAVERY , the government agencies are spreading FAKE rumors these shameless greedy fraud states, government agencies were ruthless in their fraud on a hardworking single woman engineer,domain investor, goan 1989 topper, falsely claiming that her domains, savings, bank, paypal account belonged to cunning cheater powerful government employees who actually HATED her, never helped her, especially allegedly her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay when it can be legally proved that there is no connection at all
Since the sex bribe taking top government employees refuse to end their government SLAVERY,the domain investor is forced to post disclaimers repeatedly to make people aware of the job for SEX deal in the indian internet sector, that LIAR tech, internet companies are making fake claims about panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees especially greedy gujju stock trader amita patel with networth Rs 100 crores, haryana khatri fraud optum human resources manager ruchita kinge.

GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan remains in goa, yet goa government using fake rumors to commit financial fraud, run government SLAVERY racket

Cellphone data, surveillance will legally prove that GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan always in goa with her photographer husband making Rs 75000 daily and pet bulldog tago, yet goa government using fake rumors to commit financial fraud, run government SLAVERY racket and goa’s greatest bhandari cheater GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan a no work, no investment central government job

In one of the greatest frauds of the haryana government,like the madhya pradesh,goa,karnataka,gujarat government, these shameless greedy fraud states were ruthless in their fraud on a hardworking single woman engineer,domain investor, goan 1989 topper, falsely claiming that her domains, savings, bank, paypal account belonged to cunning cheater powerful government employees who actually HATED her, never helped her, especially allegedly her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay

Then these greedy fraud states then were openly involved in CYBERCRIME,SLANDER, of the hardworking single woman engineer to get lazy greedy frauds from the state R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, data of the single woman engineer in a clear case of government SLAVERY, government financial fraud
The greedy goan SHAMELESS SCAMMER LIAR officials /leaders led by cheater chodankar, naik, cheater caro, nayak have been extremely ruthless and shameless in their slander, government SLAVERY racket on the goa 1989 jee topper, stealing her data to make fake claims about GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan
to get shameless scammer sunaina great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer