Cunning fraud ntro employees are using fake cases, fake help for harmless engineer to get raw/cbi salaries for their lazy fraud girlfriends wherever she relocates

If the cunning fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay had not had their associates file fake cases without any proof at all against harmless engineer, and then denied information so that the engineer could defend herself, the engineer would have been just another harmless indian citizen, would get credit for whatever work she did, money she invested wherever she relocated due to personal reasons

However since 2010, the fraud ntro employees are involved in a massive fake case, fake help fraud to steal the identity of a harmless engineer, and get lucrative raw/cbi salaries for their lazy greedy girlfriends and relatives wherever she relocates.
For example in Mumbai the beneficiaries of the fake case, fake help fraud were
– R&AW employee ruchika king, veena, deepika

In goa location 1,
– cbi employee school dropout gujju housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, architect

second goa location
– cbi employee goan gsb fraud housewife naina who looks like actress kangana ranaut, goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud R&AW employee call girl siddhi mandrekar, various christian and other tata, google sponsored housewives

It is time that NTRO ends it fake help fraud, and informs the engineer of the fake cases so that she can deal with them, end the defamation.

To ensure that relocation fraud is not exposed R&AW employee sunaina stealing courier intimation slips

Though the google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan is not doing any work online at all, not investing any money online, the indian and goan government, ntro, raw, cbi are falsely giving the lazy greedy goan call girl credit and a monthly salary, making up fake stories that the real domain investor has shifted or relocated
The fraud government agencies are aware of the fact that the engineer is coming to her home everyday except on sunday, however since top government employees are addicted to having sex with sunaina, they are doing everything possible to ensure that no one in India can contact the engineer. So even if anyone is sending any courier to the engineer, domain investor, goan R&AW employee sunaina is robbing the courier intimation slips

If the domain investor had received the courier intimation slips, she will arrange to collect the document or parcel sent to her, so to ensure that the engineer never can collect any document or parcel, sunaina and her associates are stealing all the intimation slip

If there were no fake cases, fraud NTRO employees would find it difficult to justify identity theft of engineer, when she relocates

The engineer, domain investor whose identity has been stolen for 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees by fraud ntro employees now realizes the extent of the fake cases and fake help fraud of the ntro employees. If there were no fake cases, fraud NTRO employees would find it difficult to justify identity theft of engineer, everytime she relocates

A big fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010 is how google, tata , ntro are specializing in having their associates file fake cases without any legally valid proof against hardworking engineers , domain investors and then deny information faking help to justify their defamation, cheating and exploitation, identity theft for the rest of the engineers life,every time she relocates .

The engineer has never interacted with the person who is filing cases and can easily and legally prove that the case filed is completely fake, yet the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, security agency employees refuse to provide the engineer with any details of the person making fake allegations against the engineer, what the fake allegations are .

These fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, vijay, patel, are very cunning they fake help for the engineer so that they can deny her all information of the person making fake allegations, so that she cannot file a counter case against the person for defamation. Since the engineer does not have the details of the person defaming her, she cannot end the fake allegation fraud of the ntro, google, tata employees, which are ruining her reputation.

Instead section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, security agency employees blindly repeat the complete lies of the person making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, treating him like a saint, wasting taxpayer money in the process and ruining the reputation of the innocent engineer. When the engineer relocates for personal reasons, these frauds falsely claim that the engineer has relocated to avoid fake cases, and steal the engineers identity for their lazy greedy girlfriends and associates to get them raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

If the fraud ntro employees did not fake help, and stopped interfering the engineer could easily handle the fake cases and no one would falsely claim that she relocated due to the fake cases because they would fake countercases, for making fake allegations without any legally valid reason

.Many people all over India are relocating for personal and professional reason, no one steals their identity when they relocate, only the cunning fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, has perfected the art of stealing the identity of his female btech 1993 ee classmate , with his associates making fake allegations, and then he is faking help to steal her identity and get all his lazy greedy inexperienced friends like nayanshree hathwar, naina, veena, sunaina, siddhi riddhi, R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity

Bank employees aware of relocation fraud of security agencies

It appears that the security and intelligence agencies have perfected a relocation fraud on small business owners who have worked in reputed companies. The domain investor had visited a bank in Mumbai, where the employees were helpful.
Many years ago they told that in most cases, people who have worked in reputed companies and leave their job to become self employed, rarely stay in the same place after they leave their job
The government and leaders lack the vision to end the atrocities of the fraud security and intelligence agencies, effectively killing the MSME sector in India, no one wishes to leave their job and start a business

The raw/cbi job for google, tata sponsored school dropout gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, veena, sunaina, and others are examples of the relocation fraud of indian security and intelligence agencies

NTRO employees ruthless in targetting female domain investors for relocation fraud

Led by mhow cheater ntro employee puneet,parmar NTRO employees are ruthless in targetting harmless female domain investors in their relocation fraud, defaming them without any legally valid proof, and stealing their identity to get their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre girlfriends, premikas and relatives raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer, domain investor, everytime the domain investor is relocating.

The modus operandi of the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet involves faking his relationship with a hardworking single woman engineer, falsely claiming to know her very well, when actually he has not communicated with her for more than 25 years, and is unlikely to do so in future also. Most people with some honesty and humanity will not interfere in the life of a person who they consider low status, and not misuse her name, how the fraud mhow cheater puneet is a animal in human form, falsely associating all his lazy greedy fraud friends with the engineer, to deny the engineer, the income and opportunities she deserved.,

Then the fraud associates of the mhow cheater puneet are making fake allegations without any proof at all, and the mhow cheater puneet is ensuring that the engineer does not get any information of those who are making fake allegations, so that she cannot defend herself, and the fraud puneet falsely claims that he is blocking the information because he wishes to “help” her.

This relocation fraud started in 2010, and the fraud ntro employees have refused to provide any information of the fake allegations to the domain investor, though they have stolen everything from her.

Fraud NTRO employees fake help so that they can steal the identity of engineer everytime she relocates

Another of the biggest frauds in the indian internet sector is how google, tata , ntro are specializing in having their associates file fake cases without any legally valid proof against hardworking engineers , domain investors and then deny information faking help to justify their defamation, cheating and exploitation, identity theft for the rest of the engineers life,every time she relocates .

The engineer has never interacted with the person who is filing cases and can easily and legally prove that the case filed is completely fake, yet the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, security agency employees refuse to provide the engineer with any details of the person making fake allegations against the engineer, what the fake allegations are .

These fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, vijay, patel, are very cunning they fake help for the engineer so that they can deny her all information of the person making fake allegations, so that she cannot file a counter case against the person for defamation. Since the engineer does not have the details of the person defaming her, she cannot end the fake allegation fraud of the ntro, google, tata employees, which are ruining her reputation.

Instead section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, security agency employees blindly repeat the complete lies of the person making fake allegations, treating him like a saint, wasting taxpayer money in the process and ruining the reputation of the innocent engineer. When the engineer relocates for personal reasons, these frauds falsely claim that the engineer has relocated to avoid fake cases, and steal the engineers identity for their lazy greedy girlfriends and associates to get them raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

If the fraud ntro employees did not fake help, and stopped interfering the engineer could easily handle the fake cases and no one would falsely claim that she relocated due to the fake cases.

Fake cases are used to justify identity theft after engineer relocates

One of the biggest frauds in the indian internet sector is how google, tata , ntro are specializing in having their associates file fake cases without any legally valid proof against hardworking engineers , domain investors to justify their defamation, cheating and exploitation, identity theft for the rest of the engineers life.

The engineer has never interacted with the person who is filing cases and can easily prove that the case filed is completely fake, yet the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, security agency employees refuse to provide the engineer with any details of the person making fake allegations against the engineer, what the fake allegations are

Instead section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, security agency employees blindly repeat the complete lies of the person making fake allegations, treating him like a saint, wasting taxpayer money in the process and ruining the reputation of the innocent engineer. When the engineer relocates for personal reasons, these frauds falsely claim that the engineer has relocated to avoid fake cases, and steal the engineers identity for their lazy greedy girlfriends and associates to get them raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

High radiation levels to kill home owner or force relocation

Increasingly high tech torture methods like high radiation levels are being used to force home owners in some areas of panaji to relocate. Most people who do not have a electrical, telecom background are unable to understand the effect of radiation on the human body, the damage it can cause, so they think that there is a problem with their body
Already in that area, many people are affected by cancer
It appears that the indore document robber R&AW employees bespectacled veena, deepika and others were bribing the local officials to increase radiation levels to torture and cause great pain to the engineer when she was spending most of her time in her house alone
It is still difficult to stand near the mirror, some radiation source is kept near it

NTRO, google, tata specialize in defaming hardworking engineers as cheaters to exploit them for the rest of their lives

One of worst aspects of the google, tata masterminded sex, bribery racket, banking, paypal fraud is how google, tata, ntro are specializing in defaming hardworking engineers as cheaters and criminals to exploit them for the rest of their life

When the engineer will change their address, relocate they will falsely claim that the engineer has left or shifted to avoid legal problems, when the engineer is not even aware of any legal issue or case against them, and then justify the identity theft of the engineer.

For example, in Mumbai, after the engineer shifted to goa for personal reasons, blackmailer ruchika, indore document robber veena benefited because of google, tata, ntro fake cheating allegations

Water pump damaged to force engineer to relocate

Though officially the crime rate in Panaji, goa is low, it is far less safe compared to other places in India, especially in 2018 after the MLA was hospitalized. Compared to even a metro city like Mumbai, some of the crimes in panaji, are trespassing, robbery and burglary are far more likely for a private citizen.
The powerful criminal gangs in panaji are openly involved in real estate fraud and do everything possible to force home owners to relocate.
One of the methods used to force home owners to relocate is by damaging the water pump
Most homes in some areas have their own independent overhead tank and pump which is kept outside.
The ruthless real estate gangs will damge the pump when the home owner is away, trying to force the home owner to relocate